Ramen noodles, pizza rolls, the dollar menu... while I wasn't a broke college student anymore, for some reason I still ate like one. I tried cooking for myself, but I spent more time washing dishes than enjoying the meal. Then, I either ate the same dish for days or ended up feeling guilty for throwing out wasted food. Yet unless my food budget quadroupled, eating out every night wasn't an option.
But I'm a foodie!! So I set out to conquer cooking for one.
My goal?
Create a variety of tasty meals while dirtying as few dishes as possible and spending only as much time and money as necessary.
Whether you are a broke college student who wants to stretch your dollar without sacrificing quality, a single professional who wants to eat healthy without living off salads, or simply someone who enjoys cooking but doesn't need to feed an army... CONGRATULATIONS! Your days of fast food, frozen meals, and endless leftovers are over!!
Welcome to my journey of savoring singleness :-)
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